於「活力海濱夜」當晚,環保觸覺有幸邀請 Soul Yoga 的素食瑜伽導師 Fion 在添馬公園的草地上,舉辦戶外瑜伽課,一起擺脫冷氣,於夜色中舒展身心。
日期:9月29日 (五)
時間:20:00 - 20:45
名額:30個 (名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止)
Soul Yoga Fb 專頁:www.facebook.com/Soul-Yoga-1644944632472839/
如有查詢,請致電 81004877 馬小姐或電郵至 lessaircon@greensense.org.hk。
如因天雨或其他惡劣天氣關係而導致活動取消,所有最新消息將於「無冷氣夜 No Air Con Night」Facebook專頁 (https://www.facebook.com/noaircon/) 及網頁 (http://greensense.org.hk/noaircon) 公布。
Details of Yoga Class:
Date: 29th Sept (Fri)
Time: 20:00 - 20:45
Venue: Central & Western District Promenade – Central Section (near Tamar Park)
Fee: Free
Quota: 30 (Quotas are allocated on a first - come - first - served basis.)
Remarks: Participants need to prepare their own yoga mat. Beginners are welcome.
Soul Yoga Fb page: www.facebook.com/Soul-Yoga-1644944632472839/
If you have any enquiries, please contact Miss Ma at 81004877 or email to lessaircon@greensense.org.hk
If weather condition is inclement on the event day, the latest arrangement will be announced at "No Air Con Night" Fb page (https://www.facebook.com/noaircon/) or website (http://greensense.org.hk/noaircon).